Showing posts with label The Salahis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Salahis. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tête de Nœud Mlle. Desiree Rogers Goes to Ground

The breach in White House Security by the Bravo sponsored idiots and American Idols - The Salahis is turning the spotlight on Diva Nit-Wit and Serial Sinecure Hopper Desiree Rogers.

Desiree was rumped into seats here in Illinois the Land of Blago and Burris
thanks to her marriage to John Rogers of Ariel Capital Management and no PC Progressive Political Ploy plays without Mr. Rogers' nod.

Ex or No, Desiree has John Rogers' Imprimatur - from Illinois Lotto Ball Watcher, to People Gas Thug, to All State Insurance Whatever, to the Obama White House. Chicagoans have had a long look at this 40 Watt Progresive Eye Candy from the time that she blew up Mount Greenwood while guiding Peoples Gas and double billing consumers. Desiree Messalina'd all of the competant Peoples Gas Executives within her field of vision and scooped Peoples Gas Charity Giving into her pet projects and personal pedestals.

Now, Desiree has her tête in a wringer and will prove to be a major mal de tête

Voila! Desiree tête de nœud!

Of course Rogers was at the dinner as well, even pausing at one point to speak with reporters about which designer dress she was wearing (Comme Des Garcons).

But Hargraves wasn't at the gate, because she had resigned last June. She told Newsweek that when Rogers came in with the new administration, she changed her job, and revoked most of her responsibilities, essentially demoting her to a date entry clerk, prompting Hargraves to quit.

"I knew she [Hargraves] left but did not know they did not replace the job in the same way," a former White House official speaking on the condition of anonymity told ABC News, "That's really too bad - it really helps them to have this person because it is such a bear of a job but so important."

"It was Cathy who would input all the names, take all the responses, give them to the calligraphers who would address the invites, do the place cards," the former official said, "On game day she was a key link to Secret Service because she was posted at the East Portico with them because she was the most intimately knowledgeable of the list."

Hargraves said had she been there that night, the reality-tv hopefuls never would have made into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Desiree Rogers declined ABC News' request for an interview.

Tamara Holder Links Gate Crashers, Plaxico Burress and Eric Holder's Flawed Legal World

Chicago Criminal Attorney Tamara Holder nails it down - Trying the 9/11 Terrorists/White House Gate Crashers and Illinois Lotto Ball Watcher Desiree Rogers.


Obama, the Secret Service, and his party-planner, Desiree Rogers (she decided to be a guest instead...could you imagine your wedding planner sitting down at your dinner?) should be embarrassed by the security breach. I will be shocked if the administration seeks to charge this couple.


For whatever reason, Eric Holder thinks that if we try the 911 terrorists here on American soil, we are proving to the world that we are "not a nation of cowards." That idealism is just as bogus as when Plaxico Burress entered a night club with a gun in his sweatpants to make himself feel like a tough guy; instead, the idiot ends up shooting himself in the thigh. Our security is about as tight as Plaxico's waistband "holster": not at all. Holder should probably have a chat with Plaxico from his prison cell and ask Plaxico if trying to show that you are "tough" gets you very far. I am sure Plaxico can give him a wise man's advice.

Remember, just a few weeks ago, the Ft. Hood mass-murders proved our intelligence and security on American soil is lacking. To be honest, I don't really care if the shooter is a jihadist or a straight-up psycho. At the end of the day, the FBI had intelligence that he was blogging and communicationing very questionable ideas and yet our intelligence community did nothing.

Ft. Hood was supposed to be one of the most secure military bases in the country.

Then, a glamorous couple walks onto the White House property without security clearance and without an invitation. They coddle with Biden, Axelrod, and shake our President's hand. The next morning, they post their security breach all over America via Facebook. What a disgusting slap in the face to our country.

So how can Eric Holder assure Americans, especially NYC residents, that they will be protected from KSM followers? He can't. He must get the "we are not a nation of cowards" idea out of his head. He needs to put the kibosh on trying the "alleged" terrorists in our country. We are not safe now and we definitely will not be safe when those men are brought from Guantanamo to the United States. We can make our voices heard across the world by trying the men elsewhere.

Obama, his administration and the intelligence community better wake up. These security breaches, whether it's at Ft. Hood or on the White House lawn, prove one thing: Americans are not safe; therefore, we cannot try the 911 terrorists on our turf. and