Showing posts with label Goofs and Creeps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goofs and Creeps. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Commander Paul Bauer Legislation Cynical Political Misappropriation of Man's Life

Image result for Commander Bauer funeral politicians

I don't recall reading the late Commander Paul Bauer's words on the banning of guns.  He was very outspoken about the criminals caught for felonies and released back into the public by cynical political judges and elected officials intent on fattening up votes. 

Commander Paul Bauer was respected by the women and men in blue who shared the dangers and ugliness of Chicago's streets, during his career.

Commander Paul Bauer was not killed in a mass school shooting, but killed doing his job, while off-duty.

No cop is off-duty.

A thug with a handgun bought out of state and with an extended magazine clipbauer gun Gun That Killed Chicago Police Commander Came From Outside Illinois

I have never owned a gun in my life, nor do I ever intend to apply for, or purchase any firearm.   I live among many people to do and there has never been an incident where a gun was misfired, or directed at another person.

More than a very few times, bullets missed me by inches. They were all used by thugs (BDs, GDs, Stones, Four Corner Hustlers, or Vice Lords) in close proximity to Leo High School between 1996 and 2016. My guardian angle must come with Kevlar.

I have helped bury a dozen students and witnessed as many more wounded by rounds fired from Tech 9s and Glocks, none of whome 'were in the Game.'

Guns are tools and thugs use them to kill people.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, who once commanded the Gresham District 6 near Leo High School, was sent to Springfield to label anti-gun laws in Commander Paul Bauer's name.

The new legislation is a response to the Parkland public school killings, close on the heels of Commander Bauer's funeral here in my neighborhood.

Paul Bauer was a cop's cop.  He spoke out against the root problems of street violence: abuse of existing sentencing laws -

Commander Paul Bauer says there is a “high bar to prosecution” in Cook County, requiring Chicago police to get approval from the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office before a suspect can be charged.
“Sometimes they want to come out to the victim,” said Bauer at the annual meeting of River North Residents Association. “If you think about it, we’re sometimes victimizing this person twice. You just got your phone snatched from you. You got knocked down. Now you’re going to be in the station. You got to stay here for another couple hours until the State’s Attorney gets out here.”
[...] According to Bauer, 75 percent of the crime in the 18th district is theft-related, whether it’s theft from a building or theft from a person, including a suspect who, while riding a bicycle, recently swiped mobile phones from people in River North.
“We caught that guy,” recalled Bauer. “and we figured he did about 30 [robberies] over the course of a couple months. We were only able to charge him with one felony theft [because] victim identification was a little hazy.”
[...] “Even when we catch somebody,” says Bauer, “there’s still a long way to go to get them off the street.”
In August, Chief Judge Timothy Evans replaced all the judges who presided over bond hearings in Cook County and directed new judges to set bail in amounts more affordable to defendants. This is at odds with Chicago police, who would prefer to see higher bail amounts for career criminals.
“That guy, Willie, he’s a case in point. He needs a high bond. We got him for a number of burglaries. He’s on parole for burglary. He needs to sit. We got to get him off the street. It’s just like if you have kids, if there’s no consequences to your action, those actions are going to repeat.”

And when they do go to jail, they need to stay there longer.
“The Sheriff of Cook County, for whatever reason, is very proud of the fact he has reduced the population of the county jail. Maybe I’m jaded, I don’t think that’s anything to be proud of.”  In Second City Cop
The thug who killed Commander Bauer was not armed with a straw-man AR-15, which Rep. Burke's canned legislation targets.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel talked about the bill after speaking to a room of police recruits, part of a package of legislation that would require gun dealers to be licensed, raise the penalties for illegal use of body armor, ban high capacity magazines for military-style weapons and ban bump stocks.
“We need gun legislation, like a waiting period, like a ban on assault on assault weapons, like what we're talking about on gun dealership that backs up the goals and the public safety goals we have as a city,” Mayor Emanuel said.
Rahm Emanuel did the canning and the sending.

Were he not an oily sneak with a power jones, Emanuel might have helped craft a Paul Bauer Law that would keep thugs out of our community.

Maybe, another family will not need to mourn a father and husband.  Maybe, fewer people will be gun down on streets at any time of the or driving the Dan Ryan and Eisenhower expressways.

Instead, Rahm Emanuel, Mike Madigan, Bruce Rauner and their stooges used Paul Bauer's sacrifice, as an unwasted opportunity.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Al Franken and Roy Moore - Bi-Partisan Creeps and Bullies

Image result for Al Franken Meets Roy Moore

I know less about Roy Moore than I do about the minimum value of 5cosA + 12sinA + 12.

Al Franken I know was on Saturday Night Live during the era that the show tanked and became the dweeb U.S. Senator from Minnesota.

Now, I know that both men have been corralled in the same pig-pen with Kevin Spacey, Mark Halperin, Harvey Weinstein, David Corn et al. 

They share the common germ - unchecked power.

They are politicians, journalists, Hollywood moguls, judges, lawyers, actors, CEOs, gays, straights, bisexuals, questioning, Democrat and Republican.

They are all the creepy little boys we knew as kids who were 'protected' by nuns, parents, class, religion and friends. They were 'protected' from ever needing to check their impulses at the door, window, couch, or playground.

They did whatever and to whomever they chose to do when, where, why and what they wanted.

The creep on the playground at St. Tommy More parish who ran up to you and your pals and spit hockers on your shirts only to dash to the robes of Dominican nun on supervision and whine, "They hate me because I am going to be a priest, Sister!" might now be leading social justice protests all over the news.

The creep who grabbed the girls in the cloak room only to be given a 'second chance' from Sister Duplicious, because his Dad was a 15th Ward wheel, might now be facing a Hollywood Extra camera and microphone. 

We do what our consciences and our morals allow us to do.  If our consciences and morals are warply shaped by people who love a compromise, we might tend to abuse power.

We never read that Stan the cop, Eddie the roofer, Theresa the nurse, or Willie the County Mountie are being charged with criminal sexual assault, pleasuring themselves in public, exposing their short comings in an elevator, or forcing their impulses on a child.

These are not powerful people.

Predators work to gain trust, acceptance and power over people.  They are people with no 'off-switch' in operation.  They do as the feel, please and will, because they can.

The rest of us answer to God, the parents, teachers, coaches, our children and above all our spouses.

The freak show will continue until we return to some higher authority. Gee, God might be a good start.

The creeps are protected.

Al Franken!  Shake hands with Judge Roy!  Never mind the filth; Old Roy's got what you got. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

President Obama Brings it Home to Insult Cops and Do the Work of Gamaliel

President Obama detests cops almost as much he does the military.  It is part of his political and maybe even helix-ed to his physical DNA.

He spent his post college days here in Chicago insinuating himself into the political melange of  The Windy City's Progressive-wing of the Devolving Democratic Party that had already been moving from meat and potatoes goulash to its current Vegan Curry.  The hearty stew of sensible legislation and ordinances that kept nickels in pockets and compounded interest daily for the middle class that had once whetted the appetites of working women and men became a global directed spice rack of tax-funded exotic policy mandates that to this day makes life miserable for all people, as well as pits neighbor against neighbor.   Obama honed his spice knives with the Gamaliel Foundation which schooled him on methods to do just that -
 Gamaliel of Metro Chicago (GMC) is regional member of the Gamaliel Network. GMC’s mission is to develop new community leaders through building networks of “core teams” and alliances with other community groups to build an organization capable of responding to issues of education funding reform, economic development, civil rights of immigrants, universal healthcare, older adult economic and social well being, and workforce development. The Gamaliel Network is made up of affiliates in 18 states, South Africa and Great Britain. President Barack Obama was a community organizer with Gamaliel in the 1980’s.

This is a very secularized quasi-religious ( they take money from Catholics) group of radicals who have perched themselves above the people they claim to 'want to help' and attract some of daffiest do-gooder-wannabe's it has been my personal and professional waste-of-time bed-of-nails  in my three score and change time on the terra.  This group counts on goofs and creeps. Goofs are individuals with a limited experience in getting along with people, a very stunted sense of literary discernment, but a great capacity for telling people how morally repugnant they happen to be, if they disagree with Gamaliel's dictum of what exactly God's Commonwealth happens to be.  Creeps are career takers.

Gameliel attracts goofs to do the nuts and bolts stuff and creeps to take credit for the work the goofs have done.  Barack H. Obama took an incredible amount of credit. Via Gamaliel, young Barack Obama learned the pathways tp God's (or something omnipotent - government) Commonwealth.

The four pathway's to God's Commonwealth

  • Create Structural Racial Equality. ( Racial Quotas) 
  • Build Peoples Control of Government ( No Fault Voter Registration)
  • Build Community Control of the Economy - (Occupy/Minimum Wage)
  • Expand the Public Sphere ( Black Lives Matter)
Cops and the military preserve, protect and defend the races, the government, the economy and the public within the frame work of the United States Constitution which is not a global frame work and it must go.

Today, Barack Obama comes home to Chicago a.k.a Chiraq - a place he more than helped develop.

He will address Police Chiefs - most of whom were nominated, appointed, or selected by local governments. His message to them is to think globally.  Think exactly the way Barack H. Obama, a Gamaliel disciple, thinks.

  • Force more gun laws
  • Don't arrest approved minorities
  • Don't Make Him Tell You Again
More importantly, President Obama will do some fundraising.

The speech is part of Obama's cross-country travel to meet with people working to fix the criminal justice system, from law enforcement officials endeavoring to lower crime and incarceration rates to former prisoners "earning their second chance," the official added.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is scheduled to address the conference earlier in the day.
While in Chicago, Obama is to attend a fundraising dinner being hosted by Robbie Robinson, managing director of BDT & Co., and his wife, D'Rita, founder and CEO of Chatty Guest.
Co-hosts are being asked to contribute $33,400 and guests, $10,000, according to an invitation.
The first $2,500 of each contribution will go to Obama for America — the president's principal campaign committee — for 2012 general election debt retirement. Any contributions above $2,500 go to the Democratic National Committee.

President Obama is a creep and a Gamaliel disciple.  What are we?